Translations are generally charged according to the target language word count.
Our prices vary depending on the complexity, number of words and turnaround time required. To provide an accurate and binding quote, we will need to receive the original document by fax, regular mail, overnight courier or electronic mail.
Because many clients have confidentiality and/or proprietary reasons not to release these documents, we ask that you please contact us by phone at 860-669-4426 or via e-mail at and include details of your needs as follows:
- your name and contact information
- type of document (i.e. brochure, letter, manual, etc.)
- length of document (number of words, pages, etc.)
If possible, a copy of the document(s) in .doc, .rtf or PDF format
(Size of attachment may be limited by your e-mail program.
If larger than 9 MB, please call us for options.)
We will then provide you with a written estimate for translation and/or typesetting, which will become a binding quote only after we have had the opportunity to review your original document.
Our quotations include the cost of producing the translation and the services of professional editors and proofreaders, which we believe are an essential part of the production process. Typesetting is available as an add-on service.
We schedule our work on a first come-first served basis.
Once we receive your purchase order, we will provide you with the date and time you can expect to receive the completed project. Although we accept RUSH projects, we will be happy to advise you about what other options are available if you have a significant time constraint.
For more information about our Spanish Translation & Typesetting Services call 860-669-4426