Idiomas, LLC

Idiomas, LLC

Spanish Translation & Typesetting Services


We specialize in the translation and production of Spanish language materials for U.S. customers and U.S. English documents for foreign clients interested in penetrating the U.S. market. Our Talent Our translator database comprises highly educated...
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Typesetting Services

Our  typesetting services department specializes in the desktop publishing (DTP), typesetting and the production of documentation in Spanish. In today’s ever growing international market, your company’s need to deliver your message to the world’s diverse...
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Our Pricing, Quotes and Scheduling

Pricing Translations are generally charged according to the target language word count. Our prices vary depending on the complexity, number of words and turnaround time required. To provide an accurate and binding quote, we will...
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Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us at Spanish Translation & Typesetting Services with any question you may have. By Phone: (860) 669 4426 By E-mail: By Fax: (860) 669 3995 By Mail: Idiomas, LLC...
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About Us

Idiomas, LLC was founded in 1989 in an effort to provide Spanish translation and typesetting services to government and industry. Built on the principles of providing a reliable service and a quality service, our ability...
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About Us

Idiomas, LLC was founded in 1989 in an effort to provide Spanish translation and typesetting services to government and industry. Built on the principles of providing a reliable service and a quality service, our ability to deliver translations electronically in those pre-Internet days was a big part of our success. One of our first clients required that we help them negotiate a business agreement with a Brazilian company where the key executive spoke only Spanish. Our ability to facilitate the communication between two companies and the successful completion of that negotiation process, led us to expand our services to reach a national, and then an international client base.

Our unique service has established our place in this industry. This allows us to make a distinctive and substantial impact for our clients. We have provided Spanish translation & typesetting services to a large number of customers throughout the world. Because each customer not only has its own voice but also its own set of specific needs, we learned to pursue our work with flexibility and attention to detail. We think we provide more than just translation services: we are actually problem solvers. We can advise clients about the best way to serve their translation needs and also how to put those translations to work for them.

Because we are flexible and because we pay careful attention to the needs of our clients, we allocate the maximum amount of resources our clients can afford. Translation is a very demanding task and translators who excel at their craft have very fascinating personalities and a vast array of knowledge. We have worked with them and know who they are. We respect their professionalism and require their utmost in integrity. As we have done many times, we will respectfully turn down the opportunity to work on any project, however lucrative it may be, if we feel the allocation of resources is not in line with our own expectations.

After more than 30 years of helping companies deliver their message, we know how to go about a translation project to achieve the best results. Our streamlined process and our lean operation allow us to allocate your financial resources in such a way as to create a final product that reflects your company’s hard earned reputation, image and goals.

We know we are not for everybody and we like it that way. We intend to keep it exactly that way.

For more information about our Spanish Translation and Typesetting services call 860-669-4426

Our Services

We specialize in the translation & typesetting of documentation including technical manuals, books, cards, specification sheets, employee handbooks, articles, newsletters, flyers, brochures or any material that could be of interest to a Spanish or English speaking audience.

The process of translation includes reviewing the original documentation, creating the draft translation, assigning the translated text to an editor for review and evaluation and proofreading the final copy. We invite our clients to participate by conducting internal and/or corporate reviews. This process is in line with our commitment to offer a high quality product at a reasonable cost.

Once the translated text has been approved by our customer, we put our 30 years of experience in the creation of bilingual documents to work. This is a critical step in the process, and we are proud to be one of the best in the business. Therefore, you save time and money, by providing us your already existing English typeset material. From there, we can create either bilingual or Spanish-only versions for distribution worldwide or in a single country.

We enjoy working with people who are committed to excellence. If you share our commitment, please feel free to discuss your particular requirements with us.

For more information about our Spanish Translation & Typesetting Services call 860-669-4426


We specialize in the translation and production of Spanish language materials for U.S. customers and U.S. English documents for foreign clients interested in penetrating the U.S. market.

Our Talent

Our translator database comprises highly educated individuals who specialize in specific subject areas. The translator selected to write your project has been chosen because of his or her native Spanish language ability and his or her particular knowledge and level of competence in your subject matter.

Working together with editors and proofreaders allows for human interaction during the writing process. Because translation is as much an art as a science, these interactions are critical in the creation of a high quality document, targeted to a specific audience: yours.

Your Benefits

    • Quality
    • Promptness
    • Personalized service
    • Attention to detail

 Our Capabilities

Perhaps you are attempting to localize a specific software program into Spanish. Or, perhaps you need business cards for a trip to Latin America. Or, perhaps, benefiting from the NAFTA created opportunities, you envision providing customer service information or user manuals in a bilingual format, English and Spanish. No matter how big or small, your project will be handled with the attention to detail and concern for quality with which we approach every project assigned to us.

For more information about our Spanish translation services call 860-669-4426

Typesetting Services

Our  typesetting services department specializes in the desktop publishing (DTP), typesetting and the production of documentation in Spanish. In today’s ever growing international market, your company’s need to deliver your message to the world’s diverse multilingual population is critical to your success.

Let us help you create the Spanish language versions of your documents, such as technical manuals, glossy sell sheets, product instruction sheets, employee manuals, catalogues, business cards or other informational material that have the same look and feel as your English originals.

Your Benefits

    • Knowledge of Spanish typesetting intricacies and requirements
    • Attention to detail
    • Latest technology for Spanish DTP

Our Talent and Technology

Our staff is well versed in using all the most common (and even some not so common) page layout and documentation programs as well as graphics software in order to reproduce your document into Spanish.

For more information about our typesetting services call 860-669-4426

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us at Spanish Translation & Typesetting Services with any question you may have.

By Phone:

(860) 669 4426

By E-mail:

By Fax:

(860) 669 3995

By Mail:

Idiomas, LLC
14 Pepperbush Drive
Clinton, Connecticut 06413-1153

For more information about our Spanish Translation & Typesetting Services call 860-669-4426